Wednesday 1 July 2009

Discovering the joys of FriendDeck

Anyone who follows me here or on Twitter may have picked up on my 'like it but keep forgetting to use it' attitude towards FriendFeed.
I mean, I see the purpose of it, but I'm always forgetting to log in to the website - it's not an essential part of my network yet.
So I was intrigued when I noticed a tweet from Liverpool software developer @PaulKinlan (of and the late, lamented fame) referencing something called 'FriendDeck'. I sent him a message back asking what it was and he responded with a very modest:

He added it was also available as an Adobe Air client too. It took me a few hours but I eventually found time to go an explore FriendDeck, and already I really like it.
I'm still playing around with it but on first impressions I'd have to say it works well - it's very fast, user-friendly, looks like Tweetdeck (which is a good thing) and has the ability to share, like or open the original link.
This is the one I set up to try it out (click to enlarge the image):

Good isn't it? It also has (but I've got the thing to large for them to show on the grab) my FF thread, groups I belong to, and my friends FF thread - all in one handy app. And that solves the problem I've had with the FF website - I have to flip backwards and forwards between my groups, my friends, me...
Plus I can post direct from it, and close off columns as I wish, and add new ones.
Anyway. If you want to try it you can find FriendDeck here.
I think I've finally found something that will make me use FriendFeed regularly.

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