Friday 27 February 2009

Final deadline at the Rocky Mountain News

The Rocky Mountain News is a paper I've admired for a few years now. Their soundslides have inspired envy in me, and their use of hyperlocal UGC showed UK papers like The Gazette the potential out there.
I thought it was doing a good job of future-proofing itself (horribly misplaced Twitter moment aside). I was wrong.

This quote by John Temple jumped out at me from the audio:
"There's always been an attitude of 'let's embrace opportunity, and let's embrace change"

Makes you think, doesn't it? As do the quotes from local people who speak so fondly of the paper (but don't buy it?). Brand means very little, I suppose, if what you offer is deemed worthwhile but not valuable by the consumer - be they reader or advertiser.

This film (and even if you don't want to watch it all, it's worth skipping to the end, past the credits, to see an apology that made me well up too) is from the Frontline Club blog - I've linked to the post but I wanted to do my little bit to mark the end of 'The Rocky' and the journalists who worked so hard to try and save it.

Final Edition from Matthew Roberts on Vimeo.

I wonder, will the people of Denver miss the Rocky one day? There's a rather mean, but undeniable, part of me that really hopes so.

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