Sunday, 3 February 2013

My Interesting Reads

  • This is an interesting question from the Post and Courier, Charleston. Do you notify someone if you're going to use their tweet? Industry sites sometimes embed my tweets and I get a surprise when I see them - but I take the view that I've said it in public and so it's fair enough.  But what about when it's friends posting tributes on a Facebook wall  that happens to have a public profile? These get ripped off all the time.  As to whether we should ask people if they post on a newspaper's Facebook wall if they mind being published, I think not, although the Daily Post does tend to say 'we'll publish a selection' when posting something soliciting feedback. 
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


Plaid Gwersyllt said...

I know journalists do use your tweets as quotes in news stories. have quoted me a few times. First time it happened I felt miffed thinking they should have asked permission but on reflection I thought why not. I suppose as citizen journalists we should be pleased that things we say are of sufficient interest for publication.

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts :)
Overall I'm in favour of asking, as a courtesy, but I think good community editors do that anyway.
Storify is a nice tool because it gives you the option of auto-tweeting people quoted, to say you've featured their words. Away from the regional press, I find it odd when you read (especially in the nationals showbiz pages) 'quotes' that are obviously lifted tweets - just say they tweeted it!

James G said...

What about correcting spelling and grammar mistakes in tweets?
I still can't make up my mind whether we should be autocorrecting messages we lift from tweets or Facebook posts or leaving them as they were created - even if it does leave those who made them open to ridicule